Verfasst am: 26.08.2010, 13:27
Titel: Energiedichte für einen bestimmten Bereich
function[D] = D(M,Xmi,Xma,Ymi,Yma) % function to determine the energy density
% With this function we get a Matrix, which contains only the Particles, % which are in the are we've determined through insert
% Setting A as an empty matrix first
A = [];
% the length of the Matrix we've loadet before
% searching all the particles which match with the area from Xmin-Xmax % and Ymin-Ymax
for i = 1:len
if M(i,1)>=Xmi & M(i,1)<=Xma
if M(i,2)>=Ymi & M(i,2)<=Yma
% Filling the empty Matrix A with the corresponding entrys
A = [A;M(i,:)];
% now using the function to evaluate the Energy of the particles (only those in the new Matrix A)
% the vector x is a vector with all the data from all third collumns of your Matrix (gamma * beta x)
x = A(:,3);
% the vector x is a vector with all the data from all fourth collumns of your Matrix (gamma * beta y)
y = A(:,4);
% the vector x is a vector with all the data from all fivth collumns of your Matrix (gamma * beta z)
z = A(:,5);
% Evaluating the gamma for the formula: Ekin=(gamma-1)*m0*c^2 gamma = sqrt((x.^2)+(y.^2)+(z.^2)+1);
% following wont be needet later, because constants will be loadet through % another Script and settet as global
% Speed of light(in M/s, SI) global c = 2.99792458e+008 % Mass of a Proton(in kg, SI) global mp = 1.6726231e-024 % Mass of an Electron(in kg, SI) global me = 9.1093897e-031 % Mass of a Neutron(in kg, SI) global mn = 1.6749286e-024
% Getting Ekin for the formula: E=Ekin+Erest % "The total energy = the kinetic energy + the rest energy"
Ekin = ((gamma-1).*(mp*(c^2)));
% The total Energy:
E = Ekin.+(mp*(c^2));
% summing of all the Energy of each particle
Eg = sum(E);
% getting the are we are currently in Area = ((Xma-Xmi)*(Yma-Ymi));
% finally: evaluating the energy density:
D = (Eg/Area);
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