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Separate a signal in two signals with Simulink



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     Beitrag Verfasst am: 07.02.2023, 11:27     Titel: Separate a signal in two signals with Simulink
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So I imported a table of 1024*1000 it is basically signals when plotted. I need to separate the signals into channel left and channel right. To do that on table receives all the pair-index-columns and the other all the impair-index-columns.
In MATLAB it is easy to do but I need to so the same thing in Simulink which is with what I am struggling right now.

Thank you


 Dateiname:  signalData.mat
 Dateigröße:  5.95 MB
 Heruntergeladen:  252 mal



Beiträge: 24.495
Anmeldedatum: 26.03.09
Wohnort: Nähe München
Version: ab 2017b
     Beitrag Verfasst am: 07.02.2023, 22:05     Titel:
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if you know how to separate the signals in MATLAB, I would do it in MATLAB and provide the two results as inputs to Simulink. If you want to ensure that this is done prior to the simulation, you could specify this as a model callback.

Main language in this forum is German, by the way. :)


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Beiträge: 36
Anmeldedatum: 26.06.12
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     Beitrag Verfasst am: 08.02.2023, 09:01     Titel:
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Just use a Matlab-Function in Simulink.

Matlab - Simulink - User-Defined Function - Embedded MATLAB Function


function [y0, y1] = fcn(u)

y0 = u(:,1:2:end);
y1 = u(:,2:2:end);
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